He also used American Cause to convene a panel of speakers at the National Press Club which featured racist and anti-immigrant figures.
That same year, Buchanan's American Cause group co-funded a reception by Youth for Western Civilization, an anti-immigrant, student group whose leadership has ties to racists. He suggested that the very survival of the nation is in jeopardy with the rising presence of "Hispanics" in the United States, an argument he made on national television. In 2009, he exploited the H1N1 outbreak, which he referred to as the "Mexican swine flu," to demonize undocumented immigrants as disease carriers. In earlier years, Buchanan voiced similar ideas. In addition to his book, Buchanan's columns from 20 paint a picture of an America where whites have lost their privilege and will suffer due to "a multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual stew of a nation that has never before existed, or survived." On the show, Buchanan claimed that when whites become a minority in the United States, they will face havoc and turmoil that Californians are allegedly experiencing now due to the growing Hispanic and minority population in that state. In October 2011, Buchanan appeared on The Political Cesspool, a radio show run by white supremacist James Edwards to discuss his new book. In Suicide of a Superpower, released in October 2011, Buchanan laments that the United States is becoming an increasingly diverse country, that minorities will soon outnumber white Americans and that the country "is disintegrating, ethnically, culturally, morally, politically." Buchanan is particularly concerned with the increase in the Hispanic population in the United States, which he equates with the demise of America's white European heritage. The parting of ways between Buchanan and MSNBC occurred four months after the network suspended him following the publication of his most recent controversial book, Suicide of a Superpower. In February 2012, MSNBC dropped Buchanan as a commentator after 10 years with the network.
Buchanan has released a book nearly every two years, many of which take the view that non-white immigrants destroy Western culture. Among his frequent claims is that the sovereignty of the United States is being undermined by Israeli control and Mexican incursion, a belief which he disseminates on mainstream cable and network television and in his prolific writings. Many of the views he holds are identical to those of self-declared "white nationalists." Buchanan repeatedly demonizes Jews and minorities and openly affiliates with white supremacists. In his role as a political commentator for the mainstream media, former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has increasingly advanced an anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant ideology. Malik Ali, who had previously delivered anti-Semitic speeches on campus in years past, used the platform to accuse Zionists of orchestrating the financial collapse and condemn UC president Mark Yudof as a “Zionist Jew” who supports the “apartheid state of Israel.” Malik Ali also responded to a question from the audience about Israel being the Jews’ homeland with, “ya’ll came from Europe.you gotta go back.” January 12, 2013 In May 2012, Amir Abdul Malik Ali was invited to speak as part of the group’s “Palestine Liberation Week” on campus. Since its reinstatement, the MSU has shown no signs of dialing down its rhetoric and activity. The group was eventually only suspended for the Fall 2010 semester. Eleven students-9 from UCI and 2 UC Riverside-were arrested at the time. The university's investigation into the matter uncovered evidence that MSU organized a calculated demonstration at Ambassador Oren's speech that was in violation of university policy against disorderly conduct, obstructing university activities, furnishing false information and other campus policies. In July 2010, the MSU was suspended for one year because of its involvement in disrupting a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in February of that year. Much of this activity has been organized by the Muslim Student Union (MSU), a vocal student group at UCI, which is responsible for staging large events every spring featuring virulently anti-Semitic speakers. The University of California, Irvine (UCI) has become a center for anti-Semitic activity in recent years. Read the full, comprehensive report: Anti-Semitism at UC Irvine (PDF).